Since Invisalign is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments, there’s a good chance that you already know quite a bit, including what the clear aligners look like and what the average treatment timeline is. But what about the aspects that aren’t as talked about? Below, you’ll find five things you should know before getting Invisalign.
1. You May Not Need Putty Impressions
If you’ve had braces in the past, then you may remember putty impressions. Although accurate, they aren’t the most comfortable. The good news is that there is now an alternative: digital impressions. Not only are they incredibly accurate, but they are putty-free, incredibly quick, and completely painless.
2. Any Soreness You Experience Is Temporary
Throughout your teeth-straightening journey, some soreness is to be expected. After all, your teeth are moving into entirely new positions! Fortunately, this sensation is temporary and can be easily alleviated with a few simple steps, including sipping on cool water, eating soft foods, and taking OTC pain medication.
3. You Can’t Drink Coffee with Your Aligners In
If you’re a coffee enthusiast, then you’ll be happy to hear that you don’t have to give up this caffeinated beverage during your orthodontic treatment. You will, however, have to commit to taking your aligners off beforehand. If you don’t, then your trays will discolor. In fact, it’s possible for them to warp from the high temperature, which also has the potential to negatively impact the movement of your teeth.
4. You Need to Brush and Floss Your Teeth Frequently
Since the aligners are removable, you’ll be able to complete your oral hygiene regimen as usual during your Invisalign treatment. There is one adjustment you need to make, however: you need to brush and floss your teeth after each meal. This will help prevent food particles and plaque from being trapped against your teeth, decreasing your risk of oral health problems in the process.
5. Attachments Are Sometimes Necessary
When most people think of Invisalign, they think of the clear aligners. Sometimes, other orthodontic accessories are needed though, including attachments. These are essential for some cases because they give the trays something to grip onto, making them more effective at correcting more moderate misalignment. Don’t worry – the attachments are tooth-colored, making them as discreet as your trays.
About the Practice
At Summer Creek Dentistry, there’s more than one way to achieve the smile of your dreams. If you’re interested in addressing overcrowded, gapped, and otherwise misaligned teeth, then you’ll be happy to hear that you can do so discreetly with Invisalign. We even offer multiple financial solutions and convenient hours to make the journey to a straighter smile more seamless and convenient than ever before. If you want to schedule a consultation, then visit our website or call (817) 292-7488.